Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sometimes You Want to Go....

Reconnecting with old friends - such a fun thing to do isn't it?  I love going down memory lane and catching up with folks that I've lost touch with over the years.  My life has taken me down a pretty screwy path, so it was hard to stay in touch with people that mattered to me over the years.

How lucky we are to have things like Facebook to help us reconnect!  I often reflect on how different my life would be without all of the wonderful people I've met in my life.  Some were around for very short spurts, and some I'll hold in my heart forever, eternally grateful for their role in my life.

Some I crossed paths with due to dumb luck and some I think Fate put in my way on purpose.  Among them, I've had some really great roommates - what a blessing they all were.  Some just to get me out of my country bumpkin shell - thanks GEEK!  And others, to keep me grounded...thanks ROOMMATE!  Others to keep me sane  - Thanks Lou....and the list goes on...

I've learned what it is to have some seriously great friends.  At a very young age, I learned that just because you have fun hanging out with someone, it doesn't make them a friend; it makes them a fun acquaintance.  That was a really hard realization - it hit me when I was sick with a jaw problem back in my 20s.  I 'woke up' after surgery and realized that the people I thought were my friends were simply 'playmates' and they didn't want to play anymore.

Don't get me wrong - they were really nice people.  I was just no fun to be around.  Since we hadn't created the bonds that makes up a true friendship, when I wasn't up to go play at Moe's & Joe's, I dropped off the call list.  So I moved on.  I learned to make better, lifelong friends.  It was a hard lesson - but one that has served me well.  It moved me in a different, more meaningful direction.  One that I needed to take I think.  I needed to "go somewhere else where everybody knew my name!"  (And not just for hanging out in a bar either!)

Over the 10 years of our marriage, I've been sick quite a bit.  B and I haven't been able to make that many friends as a 'couple' because of that (well that and because we moved across country.)  I feel like I've short-changed him on that....and I'm hoping we can work on fixing that moving forward.  Not that I'm looking to replace the wonderful friends we do have - unfortunately, a lot of them live somewhere else!  If I had a dollar for every time I said the line, "I wish we lived closer" to friends, I'd be able to retire by now!

SO for now, I'm going to enjoy reconnecting and laughing over silly memories and I'm going to look forward to creating new memories.  I know that the next phase of our lives will be pretty complicated.  Not only am I going to be a new first time mommy, I'm going to be a lot older than most of the other mommies.  That's going to be a shift.  Most of my friends are sending their kids off to high school or college - mine isn't even here yet!  I always did do things at my own pace - married at 35, baby at 45...

Change is good though and I'm looking forward to the new challenges.  I'm looking forward to making new friends and keeping in touch with the great friends I've made over the years.   No matter where we travel in the US, I think we have someone we can visit with when we get there! 

Now how fun is that?!

Happy Tuesday Ya'll.

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